Ubc Office 365

The Office 365 system is owned and operated by Microsoft. By using this system, you acknowledge notice of and agree to comply with ITS and University Policies, Standards and Procedures, which are available at: ITS Policies, Procedures and Guidelines and UNC Policies, Standards and Procedures.

  1. Office 365 Login
  2. Ubc Office 365 Sign In

Office 365 Login

Iperf windows 2008. Software downloads include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote. Students running Windows can also install Publisher and Access. M365 Office applications can work on multiple devices (up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, and five phones per user) simultaneously. Download Microsoft 365. For non-UBC owned computers, you may be eligible for the Home Use Program, allowing you to subscribe to Office 365 with a 30% discount. Expired office 365? Has anyone else experienced this? It’s not allowing me to renew my eligibility when I try to reorder it and I have no idea how to renew it. Thanks:) I’m still an undergrad at UBC so it doesn’t make much sense to me.

Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action as set forth in the University’s policies and/or civil/criminal penalties.

Please report any problems to 919-962-HELP, or go to Help and click on Submit a Help Request to submit a help request.

Follow these instructions to find out your Office 365 username, or original Office 365 password?



To find out your Office 365 username, or your original Office 365 password, you must be able to login at download.ubc.ca.


Ubc Office 365 Sign In

  1. Go to download.ubc.ca.
  2. Click the Download Office 365 button.
  3. Login using your CWL.
  4. Click the Options menu in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and select Your Account/Orders.
  5. Scroll through your order list and locate the most recent order for Office 365 ProPlus Benefit Students - Subscription. Click the View Details button.
  6. Your Office 365 username, and original Office 365 password, will be visible as shown in the picture below:

    While your username will not change, you are forced to change your Office 365 password the first time you log in at portal.office.com. If you have ever logged in at portal.office.com, the password shown in your order will no longer work. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset it.